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Our Team


Image for the article named Joël Iunius

Joël Iunius

EPFL / EHL student Joël Iunius is CEO of NexSwiss

Image for the article named Nerea Garcia Vazquez

Nerea Garcia Vazquez

With a Master's degree in Law from Lausanne University, Nerea is our legal advisor.

Image for the article named David Netter

David Netter

With a bachelor's degree from HEC Lausanne, David is our CBDO

Image for the article named Jordan Brocario

Jordan Brocario

With a master's degree in cloud, security and infrastructure, Jordan is our Network & Security Architect.

Team members

Image for the article named Vincent Vergez

Vincent Vergez

Currently a Bachelor of Management, with a degree in Web-oriented Computer Science from Grenoble Alpes University, Vincent carries out a variety of tasks from France.


Image for the article named Sébastien Klein - Nbel

Sébastien Klein - Nbel

Sébastien Klein, creator of Nbel, has a degree in business computing from HELMo and carries out a variety of tasks for our team from Belgium

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